BAM Bible School Registration

On this Page you can register for the BAM Bible School.
You do not need to register just to view the material ‘On Line’ but it will help us to improve the site if you do.
Please register if 
you want to receive additional material.

    For information onlyPlease keep me informed by emailPlease add me to your Mailing list
    I am a Church Leader/Worker

    Tick ALL that apply
    Information Only – to let us know you are using the material but do not want any communications.
    Updates by email – Send updates and guidance by email
    Add to Mailing List
    – to receive regular mailings
    If you are a Church Worker – This helps us choose the best teaching material to START with.
    Or Register By POST
    BAM Bible School
    PO Box 986
    CB23 2YX

    see our PRIVACY Policy – for how we use this information