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”the whole creation groans” [Romans 8:22(RAV)]

December 4, 2024

”the whole creation groans”. Groaning as a sufferer in pain for which no remedy can be found. The world is rocking beneath its own curse as well as its misuse by man. That war rages incessantly somewhere or other on our planet: that famine has a large proportion of our population in its grip: that as soon as one disease is spent another rears its painful head; these and many other signs say quite plainly that something is wrong. The whole world is groaning, but for what?
It is surely anticipating the return of the Lord Jesus. He is its Creator and has said He will return again. He promises to resurrect what has expired and to return this world to rightful ownership. Those He assures of this know that all things work together for good.


December 4, 2024
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