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“When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God” [Deuteronomy 8:10(NIV)]

January 14

<p><b>“When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God”.  </b> Recognise that all good gifts are received at His hand and bless and thank Him for every one of them.

The butler in Pharoah’s jail forgot Joseph’s kindness: the million or so Children of Israel escaping Egypt murmured against the Lord who so miraculously brought them out: many in the world today may ignore the blessings of a beneficent Creator but you be thankful to Him and bless His Name.

We should be both saddened and perplexed at man’s failure to properly distribute the resources available. But the fact that half the world is starving must not prevent me from playing my part in helping my fellow man.

Unless God’s goodness to me makes me genuinely praise the Lord, I am no better than an animal or an atheist.</p>


January 14
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