A Place called Calvary

Our Listen Again feature now holds the latest series of radio broadcasts looking at the place called Calvary. Here is an extract from the booklet series….

The place called Calvary, or the place of a skull, is at one and the same time the most awful and most wonderful place we could visit. It brings to memory of the most inspiring and blessed experience the heart can know as well as bringing before us the darkest hour in man’s history. This is so for one reason alone -‘ it is the place where Jesus was crucified. On the one hand He gave His life to save all who will receive Him, and on the other, after three and a half years of doing good, the Son of God was taken by wicked hands and slain.

His ministry on earth had made it abundantly clear that He was the Son of God with power to forgive, heal and restore those who came to Him. His words and His teaching showed and proved, He was nothing less than God manifest in the flesh.

With these four words -“there they crucified him” -. Luke describes a crime that has never been expunged from the pages of history. They also describe the purchase of a redemption that has been the salvation of lost and sinking souls the world over ever since. We draw near with awe, for no words can ever do justice to that sight when Jesus hung on the cross ………..

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The Hope of Heaven

The new series being broadcast over the radio stations is called Heaven.  These messages are taken from the BAM book writtHeavenCOVER2en by Maurice Paine.  They will be available week by week on the Listen Again page.

Here is the background to the series:

Some years ago a young man, the father of two children and living in Birmingham, England became terminally ill with throat cancer. As the members of his church focused their thoughts upon the fact that he would soon be taken from them, Maurice Paine felt led to begin a series of talks on some of the wonders of heaven as revealed to us in the Scriptures. These form the basis of the chapters in this book. Later he wrote the last chapter, “Heaven and How to Get There.”

You may possess little or nothing in this world yet have a real vision of heaven. Indeed, it is likely that the less you have, the more clear is your vision and you will be keenly looking forward to entering the place the Lord is preparing for those who love Him. Heaven is not just a pleasant dream: it is a present reality, the promise of God with no other way of admission than through Jesus.


This book points clearly and repeatedly to the Lord Jesus. That there is a way from earth to heaven at all is due entirely to His great love for sinners. We pray that as you read this book, the bells of heaven will be ringing in your soul.

Maurice Paine

Many of you on our UK mailing list will know that Maurice Paine has recently been unwell.

Maurice was called home to be with the Lord on Monday 8th June at 4am – the dawn of a new day. MauriceWe thank the Lord for his life, witness and ministry and, whilst we will miss him greatly, we rejoice that one day, those of us who know Christ as our Saviour and Lord will see him again, in a new body, free from pain and suffering. What a Day that will be!

A thanksgiving service will be held on Friday 26th June


Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.  1 Cor 15:58





Maurice Paine was born in Birmingham between the wars to a Christian family. The joy for his father Cecil that he had a son was quickly engulfed in tragedy as a few days later his wife died leaving Maurice and Cecil to manage as best they could. Childhood memories include sitting on a wall dreaming of growing up and wondering how long it would take, but Maurice was taken along to the Sunday Bible Class meetings where his father played music and where hundreds of men declared their love for Jesus. It was a natural thing for Maurice too to fall in love with this Saviour, who would, through the years, prove to be the best friend in the harshest of times.Maurice


After turbulent adolescent years, Maurice qualified as a pharmacist, and did a course at Bristol Bible College where he has many memories including going trekking on evangelism trips with a pull-along truck. It was here that he first set eyes on the woman whom God had provided to be his wife and the one who would draw out of him the gifts God had planted. They married in 1953, living in West Bromwich and then Solihull and had three children, all of whom decided to follow Jesus. Barbara was a support and strength in ways that only Maurice knows. Her gracious self-giving spirit was truly what Maurice needed. He had done some preaching, and had a gift for Bible exposition, but an intermittent stammer sometimes made this very difficult.

Maurice and a dear brother, Geoff Bowater founded the BAM Gospel Trust in 1963 with the purpose of spreading the gospel by all means, everywhere and soon after that a new pastor came to the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Yardley Wood, Birmingham where Maurice and Barbara worshipped. He was Argos Zodhiates, an evangelical Greek in exile from his homeland where preaching the gospel was banned. Argos longed to send the news of Jesus back to his homeland, and with Maurice’s help set about sending broadcast messages over Trans World Radio back to Greece. This was the start of the Trust’s many years of involvement in Greece.


Over the years, the Trust organised many radio broadcasts and printed messages to the Greek people in Greece and abroad.  BAM was involved in producing a Greek language newspaper Oi Nikites published by George Kantarzis in Katarini, and the Paines made several visits to Greece with Maurice preaching there once restrictions were lifted. Maurice forged strong partnerships with several Greek brothers. Later, their eyes settled on the Albanian people and the Trust sponsored missionaries in Albania and one summer dropped hundreds of plastic bottles containing the gospel into the sea off the coast of Corfu. With long lenses they could see the bottles being picked up on the shoreline in Albania and years later heard of someone who responded to Christ after that drop.

Photo2The Trust organised beach mission evangelism for many years in the 1960s and early 70s along the east and south coasts of England, at that time being one of only a few groups who crossed denominational boundaries to do evangelism, calling themselves Inter-Church Beach Team. This was in close association with children’s evangelist Francis Lamming, famous for his ventriloquism. Maurice would work in his pharmacy in the week and attend to all the writing and publishing of the Trust. He would travel to the Beach Mission at weekends where Barbara spent up to 6 weeks every summer cooking for the team, sleeping on a camp bed in a drafty church hall. These were formative times for the Paine children, and again demonstrated Barbara’s unflinching support.


Eventually Maurice was doing so much work for the Trust that he took early retirement from his pharmacy, having set things financially so that he would not need to seek support for himself. He continued to write Bible study and evangelistic materials which have been sent all over the world, and the Trust still mails 2000 people every two months from Solihull. This year marks 30 years of daily meditation in Break and Meditate. For all those years Maurice has been writing these most evenings, with some help from his son Andy.


Maurice took on more preaching and looked after a number of small fellowships when they were between pastors and over the years his stammer became manageable and he was able to freely preach. Latterly he has been thrilled to have been given the chance to preach on three radio stations using a legacy given to the Trust. As he said to his wife, Barbara shortly before she died, “Who would have thought that I would be speaking over the radio?” This legacy has also enabled Break and Meditate booklets to be produced in Romanian and Hungarian for the past ten years building on a link with Adrian Giorgiov, a church leader and dear brother in Oradea, Romania.


Photo3Maurice has been able to do this work because he has had a loyal team of volunteers around him. Their faithfulness brings so much glory to Jesus and several of them have benefitted from doing the work because for various reasons they could not have employment elsewhere. Yet another example of Jesus at work in relational ways. This has enabled the Trust, throughout its existence to stay small and low key with minimal administration costs and we know that our supporters value that.


Maurice has had ill health in the past year and a recent illness has led to palliative care now and a reduction in the amount of energy he has. The Trust continues to proclaim the gospel and is looking for new ways to do this especially via the internet. God has provided a good friend in Paul Gildersleve who used to be a Trustee and now does much of the administration work from Bourn in Cambridgeshire. The printing work moved from the office in Dorridge to a room in a local church in 2014 with the same committed voluntary input.


As we celebrate this 30th year anniversary edition of Break and Meditate, do give thanks to God with us for the way He takes what we offer and multiplies it for His purposes. We praise God for those who pray for and support our efforts and we can assure you that any money given will be used to spread the gospel far and wide.


Please do drop us a line if you have a story to share: maybe you were involved in beach missions, or have found the little booklets a particular blessing. Maybe you been receiving them for thirty years! Your story is part of the BAM story too. Maybe you have listened on the radio or on the internet or passed on a booklet to a friend. Please write; we are always encouraged to hear from you. Also, do please take a look at our website and let us know how you find it. If you are on Facebook, you can ‘like’ us there too.


Throughout his life, Maurice has determined to point people to Jesus and the Trust has taken opportunities to work in South Africa, Swaziland and India as well as Greece, Albania, Romania and Hungary. On the blurb for his book ‘The Hope of Heaven’ a transcription of studies at his Birmingham church when a young man within the congregation was facing death from cancer it says ‘this book points clearly and repeatedly to the Lord Jesus’ and that is exactly what Maurice has done for over 50 years at BAM and for 30 years with Break and Meditate booklets. To God be all the glory!


Radio – one man’s story

Some time ago we heard that Christos  Constantiunou  had gone to be with the Lord. Christos was  one of our first known listeners to trust the Lord in the mid sixties when listening to the 15 minute Greek Hour of the Gospel broadcasts that we sponsored on Trans World Radio from Monte Carlo.

We think that the following reprint of the tract we produced at that time makes interesting reading. Maurice Paine recalls that he last met Christos playing his accordion and singing “When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound” on a street corner in Thessaloniki:

HOW I FOUND CHRISTchristos constantinou tract



The way the Lord has led me to a knowledge of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ is wonderful. It had always been my desire to learn and acquire knowledge, but born a blind Moslem Turk in an isolated village in Northern Greece, what chance did I have? My name was Phaek Sounetsi and with one exception, all the village were Turkish. The one exception was George Othoneos, Chairman of the Village Council, and it was he who decided I should go to a blind school that I might not remain illiterate all my life. (My village was in Thrace near the Turkish border and made no provision for one born blind).


There was considerable opposition to be overcome before my mother would allow her blind boy to leave her care, but eventually the Chairman himself took me to the Blind School in Thessalonica. Here I began to learn both Greek (until then I spoke only Turkish) and Braille. It was a joy to be able to converse freely with the boys at school. As they told me about their religion and about God and His Son, Jesus Christ, a desire I had to find more about God made me very interested. Though a Moslem, I asked the Matron of the School if I might go with the other Boys to the great Orthodox  Church. When allowed this privilege, I was very moved with the liturgy and ceremonies and after a time I asked the Director of the School if I could be baptised and become an Orthodox Christian.

I was told “Phaek, you are too young to become a Christian. You must wait until you are 21 years old, then it will be for the Bishop of Thessalonica to decide this.”

“Very well” I replied, “but do not forget me for I really want to be a baptised Christian and to find the truth.”


When 21years of age I was found again asking the Director of the School to arrange for me to be baptised. This they gladly did and I was baptised into the Orthodox Church and was given a new name – Christos Constaninou – in place of my Turkish name. Two things stand out in my mind at this time. First, though a baptised Christian I did not have any real joy in my heart, and secondly, those who were very interested in my becoming baptised into the Orthodox Religion, afterwards did not show any further interest in my spiritual growth.


You should know that my family were very angry when they heard I had left the Mohammedan Faith. Indeed, my brothers who at that time were my closest relatives, my father and mother having died, threatened to kill me. On numerous occasions previously they had tried to remove me from the School. It was not until nine months later that I returned to my village. My brothers were very angry with me and would have nothing to do with me. They treated me badly, making me wander from village to village as a blind beggar. Having tried very hard to change me, but without success, they eventually changed their attitude and took me into the village again and shut me away from any contact with the outside world.


It was at this point that something important happened in God’s plan for my life. It was only a small thing. My brothers bought me a transistor radio. They thought that because I was blind I could hear some songs and enjoy myself, and it was in seeking this enjoyment that I found the “Musical Box” Station Signal of Trans World Radio and immediately the signal stopped heard the Greek Gospel broadcast. With my transistor I began listening to these broadcasts regularly every day. They were a great blessing to me.

One day I heard Pastor Zodhiates speak on Nicodemus. This message really spoke to my heart: the words Jesus spoke to Nicodemus were for me, and like Nicodemus I needed to be born again (John 3:7). When the preacher said, “Let’s pray now” I knelt by my radio and prayed the prayer he prayed. I believe this was the moment I was converted and became a real child of God. I thank God that at that moment the Lord opened my spiritual eyes, and though blind physically, I can now see and know Christ as my Saviour.


Since that time, and in the providence of God, I have been able to leave my village and attend the Macedonian Bible Institute, which was founded by Pastor Zodhiates in Katerini. In this way I can learn how to study the Bible and learn more of the Lord. Do you think the Lord will leave me now? Surely the Lord who has brought me so far and whom I have come to know to the The Way, The Truth and The Life (John 14:6) will now lead me to a place of service. My fellow countrymen, though very hard and hostile to the Christian Faith, need the Message of the Gospel and the Lord can overcome all the difficulties that prevent me from returning to them with this Message. Pray with me about this. Pray too for the daily Gospel broadcasts, that many may find Christ as the listen-in. It was a radio, and I think someone praying for the Message that it carried, that led me to Christ.