The Story so far….
Here is a brief history of the work so far.
How it all began
The By All Means Gospel Trust was born out of the desire of two people to use what resources they had to spread the message of the Gospel. The first meetings of the Trust were held in 1962 and the Trust Deed was completed in 1963. A number of names were considered and By All Means, taken from the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:22 “I am made all things to all men that I might By All Means I might save some”,(AV) was chosen.
The Early Years
Annual summer beach missions were held on the east coast of England every year and the children attending were invited to join a bible correspondence course. Many children and young people were blessed by this Ministry. A meeting with Pastor Argos Zodhiates opened the door for the newly formed Trust to begin shortwave broadcasting of his Greek language programme from a Christian station in Monte Carlo. A second programme was soon added and a follow-up ministry to listeners who responded was established through George Kantartzis (GK). Visits were made to Evangelical Churches throughout Greece promoting this ministry. Paid gospel advertisements were inserted in numerous newspapers throughout Greece. In time GK established our own newspaper “Oi Nikites” and many copies of this newspaper were distributed throughout Greece and to Greek-speaking peoples throughout the world. This continued for many years until recently when it became an internet ministry under the name Nikites.
By All Means
An unusual ministry was born when Maurice Paine and his wife looked across from Corfu to the mainland of Albania which at that time was shut to the Gospel and the Gospel bottle ministry was born. This was a leaflet in the Adriatic languages (Greek, Italian, Serbo-Croat and Albanian) giving a number of gospel extracts from the Scriptures and an invitation to any reading it to post a response slip requesting a copy of the New Testament in their language. These leaflets were either thrown into the sea from the North East shore of Corfu or from one of the ‘Gospel Ships’. Again many responded and one could almost track the passage a ship with these leaflets was taking from the response slips that were returned. From the outset BAM distributed expository and evangelistic literature, first in association with AMG (American Mission to Greeks) later to become ‘Advancing Message of the Gospel’ and then when a postal strike in Britain prevented the receipt of these booklets from America Maurice Paine and others began producing their own booklets. A list of names was built up by advertising these free booklets in the Christian press and a World-wide literature ministry was built up. This has continued and increased since 1971. A bible study booklet was printed every two months and several paper-back volumes. Individual copies are sent to English-speaking correspondents around the World and BAM booklets have continued until the present day.
Break and Meditate

Then in 1985 a pocket-sized book of daily readings taken from verses and part verses in the Scriptures and entitled “Break and Meditate” was begun. This soon become the premier publication of BAM with copies of part or all of the booklet made in Greek Africaans and other languages. One reader from the very first was Adrian Giorgiov, who became a leading Minister in Romania. Adrian wrote to us asking if Break and Meditate could be published in Hungarian and Romanian (a Ministry where he had responsibility) and a substantial legacy received by the Trust at that time enabled around 15000 copies to be printed and circulated regularly free of charge. When this legacy was exhausted a small charge was made for a smaller number who were asking for these booklets distributed from Oradea (Romanian) and Budapest (Hungary).
Radio Again
In recent years a radio ministry has developed, making all that Maurice Paine has written and preached over four decades available for listeners to shortwave transmissions and web-streaming by those on internet under the name Bringing a Message. You can find out more and listen to some of the programmes by visiting the LISTEN page on the web site.
Internet Ministry
October 2014 saw the launch of the Internet Ministry. A newly designed website compatible with smartphones and tablets will be the vehicle to communicate in the 21st century. Much of the bible study material will be freely available.
What else?
There have also been Bible School sponsorship and Bible Conferences in India, Africa and Europe. In 2016 BAM began to support a church group in NEPAL and in 2017 support for a new church in the Rhondda valley (South Wales).
Support for Other Ministries:
Linda Dyson (Timothy Trust)
Damascus Trust
WCCYM (West Cambridge Christian Youth Ministry)
What Next?
These last few years have seen a great change in world wide communications. The use of emails, the internet and social media sites opens up new opportunities. We are currently developing plans to expand that area of ministry.
Library: – BAM has produced booklets and bible study material and intends to make this available through the website. New material will also be added.