“she came behind him” [Mark 5:27(RAV)]

"she came behind him". Why did this woman come behind Jesus. Could it be because her faith was so strong that there was no need to confront Him? Her faith was in Jesus. She saw no need to explain her plight; she realised it was unnecessary and it would be humiliating anyway. Almost certainly she ... Read more

“In the beginning God” [Genesis 1:1]

"In the beginning God". And anything that reckons to begin without God is sure to fail. The Bible is the book of the Lord. It reveals the mind of God to the heart of man and is a signpost accurately directing man back to the path from which he has wandered. Our world is God's ... Read more

“Surely the day is coming” [Malachi 4:1(NIV)]

"Surely the day is coming". It is the Day of Judgment when punishment will be meted out to the evildoer. This is God's word and it stands in spite of any opinion to the contrary. Unbelief either in God or in His word does not alter the truth. Unbelief only deprives a person of God's ... Read more

“the speck … the log” [Luke 6:41(GNB)]

"the speck … the log". Jesus' complaint addressed to His hearers was that they magnified the speck until it was larger than a log and ignored the log to the extent they considered it no more than a speck. This practice has not died out. The speck or blemish in our brother's character so aggravates ... Read more