
Sorry – We had a technical issue which prevented us from adding contents. Now this has been resolved the last two newsletters have been uploaded and the booklets will follow soon.

The Editor

Covid-19 and the Office

With the UK coming under tighter restrictions in an attempt to control this virus our office will continue to experience a different way of working.  While we hope to be able to continue to produce our mailing every two months our office time will be significantly reduced. A real thank you to all who have sent in gifts over this Christmas period but sadly sending acknowledgements is going to be a casualty of the current restrictions.  Here are some bullet points of how Covid-19 will affect our working:

  • Mailed “thank you” / Receipts may be delayed or even not sent.
  • If you supply us with an email address we will try to use that to send you an acknowledgment.
  • The Telephone will not be monitored most days. We will try to get a voicemail system set up so that you can leave a message. However it may take several days before we can reply. Emails will be more closely monitored when we return, that is from the 4th January 21.
  • The next Break & Meditate (February & March) and booklet should be with you towards the end of January

Thank you for your understanding in these challenging times.

Donations to BAM

Thank you to all who have already sent donations.  It has been pointed out that the BANK account number, printed on the gift form sent to UK readers is missing the middle 0 (Zero).  The correct details can be found on the Newsletter footer.

Thank you for your support which enables BAM to continue.

August/September mailing is “in the post”

Hopefully people in UK and Europe you will have received your copies by now (2nd August).  However there were problems with the carrier this time so some letters may be delayed; but they should be with you soon.

The INTERNET: Daily readings are available and can be accessed via smartphones, tablets as well as computers.  We also send them out using email.  If you would like to have them sent this way too, please contact us.

Other overseas mail always takes considerably longer because of the service we use.  We recommend using the internet/email service which can be in addition to receiving material by post.

Members’ Posts

BAM is working on an area on this website where people registered can access additional information about the Ministries we are involved with.

Text to Audio

We are trialing a new feature on the Break & Meditate pages. You have the option to listen to it. The message will appear like this one with a light grey background. You can just read it yourself but if you ‘click’ on it the message will be read to you.

The voice you hear will depend on the settings on your equipment. Try it out and let us know what you think.

A Visit to India 2019

BAM has been supporting the Bible Seminary run by Mercy Mission Welfare Society in Andhra Pradesh since 2002. It has been my privilege to visit the site both in November 2016, with my wife, and again in April 2019.  This visit was timed to coincide with the 19th graduation ceremony and was also an opportunity to dedicate the building following the addition of the 1st floor accommodation rooms.
Here then is my BLOG:[You may need to ‘REFRESH’ the page if it does not appear]

A Church in the Mountains

Building A Church
Up in the mountains of NEPAL a small community is building its place of worship (a Church) and a ‘day care’ room for the local Children. Access to this remote village is challenging but the Christians in the community are getting on with the build while the weather is suitable.
If you would like to contribute to the cost of the building materials please either use the CAF Donate (Nepal) page or send a cheque to BAM with a note: “For the Nepal Project”.

New to the Library

Great Cloud of Witnesses
Now available in the Library and Audio Library.  The Old Testament characters are named in Hebrews chapter 11.  In this series Maurice Paine looks at what we can learn from their lives,