Bible Study
Latest Radio Series – Words from the Cross
Words from the cross is the latest (January 19) series of messages being broadcast. These are comments of words and phases spoken by Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels.
A Place called Calvary
Our Listen Again feature now holds the latest series of radio broadcasts looking at the place called Calvary. Here is an extract from the booklet series….
The place called Calvary, or the place of a skull, is at one and the same time the most awful and most wonderful place we could visit. It brings to memory of the most inspiring and blessed experience the heart can know as well as bringing before us the darkest hour in man’s history. This is so for one reason alone -‘ it is the place where Jesus was crucified. On the one hand He gave His life to save all who will receive Him, and on the other, after three and a half years of doing good, the Son of God was taken by wicked hands and slain.
His ministry on earth had made it abundantly clear that He was the Son of God with power to forgive, heal and restore those who came to Him. His words and His teaching showed and proved, He was nothing less than God manifest in the flesh.
With these four words -“there they crucified him” -. Luke describes a crime that has never been expunged from the pages of history. They also describe the purchase of a redemption that has been the salvation of lost and sinking souls the world over ever since. We draw near with awe, for no words can ever do justice to that sight when Jesus hung on the cross ………..
The Hope of Heaven
The new series being broadcast over the radio stations is called Heaven. These messages are taken from the BAM book written by Maurice Paine. They will be available week by week on the Listen Again page.
Here is the background to the series:
Some years ago a young man, the father of two children and living in Birmingham, England became terminally ill with throat cancer. As the members of his church focused their thoughts upon the fact that he would soon be taken from them, Maurice Paine felt led to begin a series of talks on some of the wonders of heaven as revealed to us in the Scriptures. These form the basis of the chapters in this book. Later he wrote the last chapter, “Heaven and How to Get There.”
You may possess little or nothing in this world yet have a real vision of heaven. Indeed, it is likely that the less you have, the more clear is your vision and you will be keenly looking forward to entering the place the Lord is preparing for those who love Him. Heaven is not just a pleasant dream: it is a present reality, the promise of God with no other way of admission than through Jesus.
This book points clearly and repeatedly to the Lord Jesus. That there is a way from earth to heaven at all is due entirely to His great love for sinners. We pray that as you read this book, the bells of heaven will be ringing in your soul.