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“he who does not believe the Son shall not see life” [John 3:36(RAV)]

February 24

“he who does not believe the Son shall not see life”. Life as we know it now is not the best God has for us. The sorrow and suffering as a result of the sin and evil in the world make that very plain. And then this life is very short. Call it life if you will, but realise it is only a shadow of what God has for those who love Him. And while you say you enjoy your slice of this life, remember those whose days are spent hungry and diseased through no fault of their own.
No! Jesus came that we might have life – not this life but eternal life, away from the sin and turmoil we know here.
It is the eternal life of bliss that Jesus refers to when He says that those who do not trust in Him shall not see life.
The bottom line is “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved”!


February 24
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