”the whole creation groans” [Romans 8:22(RAV)]

''the whole creation groans". Groaning as a sufferer in pain for which no remedy can be found. The world is rocking beneath its own curse as well as its misuse by man. That war rages incessantly somewhere or other on our planet: that famine has a large proportion of our population in its grip: that ... Read more

”if you consider me a partner” [Philemon v17(NIV)]

”if you consider me a partner". Partners can sometimes be easier to make than to keep, especially if we are not prepared to maintain the relationship. Philemon no doubt thought it an honour to have the Apostle Paul as a personal friend. The test came when on the strength of that friendship he was asked ... Read more

”I will listen to what God the Lord says” [Psalm 85:8(NIV)]

”I will listen to what God the Lord says". There are a number of steps you'll need to take if you are going to join the Psalmist: stop all else you're doing; switch off television and radio; discard the tinsel that obscures reality; remove the wax from your ears; pay more attention to what God ... Read more

”faithful over a few things” [Matthew 25:23]

”faithful over a few things". As children we play at what we one day expect to be real. Adulthood is not long reached before we realise few if any of our childhood dreams will come true. But it is not what you have missed but what you have been given that is important. Adult life ... Read more

”they … wished for the day” [Acts 27:29]

”they … wished for the day" . Storm or distress or grief can make the night seem endless. When tossed to and fro by the waves as Paul and his companions were, or so disturbed that bed in the safety of home does not grant sleep, you long for day. Suffering can seem like a ... Read more

”the glory which shall be revealed in us” [Romans 8:18]

”the glory which shall be revealed in us". Who are these that are to have glory revealed in them? They are nothing special to look at - it's probably only when under pressure or duress you'd pick them out. Their educational attainment may not be outstanding though some are keen to take every opportunity to ... Read more