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“making melody in your heart” [Ephesians 5:19]

July 11, 2024

“making melody in your heart”. The song of the Lord is not to be compared with the jingle of an empty spirit. The well that Jesus promised would spring into ever-lasting life bubbles forth with joy and gladness. Even in its minor tones the song of the Lord has a blessedness all of its own.
The Spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are born of God and this must express itself in the heavenly melody.
There are many verses to the heavenly hymn, but all exalt the Lord Jesus. The refrain is one that angels cannot repeat for they have never fallen and been restored by His mercy and grace.
‘Making melody’ suggests there may be times when you don’t really feel like it, but you do. Well worth trying for praise is infectious when the song of the Lord begins.


July 11, 2024
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