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“so that people are without excuse” [Romans 1:20(NIV)]

January 18

<p><b>“so that people are without excuse”.  </b> An omniscient God knows what we are like. Ever since Adam and Eve, we have always had a reason, an excuse for our wrongdoing. We are quick to pass the blame when things go wrong. And we are no different with God. Adam even blamed God along with Eve, ‘The woman you put here with me.’ We do the same.

Only when we stop making excuses and admit our wrongdoing before God can we know His salvation in Christ and forgiveness of sin. God cannot forgive excuses for sin, but He can forgive the sinner. No-one can say to God, ‘You are unfair.’ The omnipotent God has done everything to make Himself known, even to being found in human likeness and living alongside us. There is no excuse, but there is forgiveness – in Christ.</p>


January 18
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