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“The sins of some are conspicuous” [I Timothy 5:24(RSV)]

October 12, 2024

“The sins of some are conspicuous”. They are the ones that the rest of mankind hypocritically dub as criminals, enemies of society, without restraint, and so on.
But sin is not something that only exists when discovered.
All have sinned and fallen short of the mark. Secret sinners, polished sinners and disguised sinners are probably the worst of all.
Convicted criminals bear some punishment now. Secret sinners mistakenly think they might get away with it.
If all who should be were apprehended, the courts of human justice would grind to a halt. The Divine judiciary knows nothing of this problem. And the best news of the day for all is that Jesus is the ‘Friend of Sinners’.


October 12, 2024
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