“The woman said to him, ‘I know the Messiah is coming’ ” [John 4:25(RAV)]
September 27
“The woman said to him, ‘I know the Messiah is coming’ “. Until she met Jesus, the woman in Samaria lived in a ‘one day it will happen’ world. Many are like her today. She knew the Messiah was coming, but it seemed too far ahead to really affect her. And the very One to Whom she addressed these remarks was the Messiah Himself!
Are you living in the same frame of mind today? You believe that a lot of things are going to happen but not to you nor in your lifetime. Jesus is not only coming again, He is here now. His Second Coming will be for those who have met Him already. To know God’s blessing in greater measure might be only a dream; to move into a greater sphere of service seem impossible. Yet if you will reach out in faith to the Lord your dream can become a reality.