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“they spoke the word of the Lord to him” [Acts 16:32(RAV)]

August 15, 2024

“they spoke the word of the Lord to him”. The meal the apostles had with the jailor and his family after their release from prison was not the most important thing. The jailor bathed the apostles’ wounds and necessary though this was, it was not what mattered most.
Most important was that they ministered the word of the Lord to the jailor after he had asked how he might be saved.
And in all the activities associated with the Christian faith in our modern world, it is still the ministry of the Word of God that is of greatest importance.
Feeding the hungry and tending the sick is a noble calling and one we all have a chance to practice. But bread for the body and healing for the flesh is but an opportunity or opening for the gospel message to be made known.


August 15, 2024
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