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“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God” [Luke 6:20(NIV)]

October 28, 2024

“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God”. This is not about earthly comfort or discomfort. In that respect the poor suffer while the rich enjoy relative ease. It is not about possessions and something to fall back on when need arises. The materially poor have a hand to mouth existence. It is not about fairness or human rights – this world is full of injustice and unfairness.
This is about the kingdom of God – that unseen body made up of those in whose heart Jesus reigns. The naturally poor can more easily receive Christ because they do not have the ties and distractions and temptations known to others. If you are poor you may more easily reach out those empty hands and receive Christ. Whatever your status in life, grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus.


October 28, 2024
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