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”declare the praises of him” [I Peter 2:9(NIV)]

December 18, 2024

”declare the praises of him”. Declaring something is to make it known. It is a deliberate act. It is public and to the benefit of others. In a society that debases the name of Christ, ours is the joy to declare His praise.
Praise to God is in response to who He is and what He has done for us. Peter reminds us; ‘You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.’ Is that not enough to deserve our praise? ‘Called out of darkness into His wonderful light … now you are the people of God … you have received mercy.’ As our hearts fill with thanks may our voices declare His praise. Jesus told one man who had been delivered from demons, ‘Go … tell how much God has done for you.’ He did and we can also. That’s true praise.


December 18, 2024
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