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“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised” [Psalm 48:1]
February 7
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised”. The more you get acquainted with the Lord, the more you desire to praise Him. Drawing near to God brings an awareness of the awe and wonder of His presence.
In heaven the Lord is surrounded by the praise and adoration of a heavenly host. On earth that same note of praise is taken up by individual hearts that have experienced His love, known His forgiveness and felt the presence of Jesus.
There is no flaw or imperfection: nothing hidden or underhand. What God says He will do, what He promises He will perform. Stooping to be near the least of His saints, ever mindful of the need of each of His children. Going ahead, guarding behind, supporting to the right and to the left, it is not surprising His people praise Him. He is greatly to be praised.