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“Let no-one lose heart” [I Samuel 17:32(NIV)]

August 8, 2024

“Let no-one lose heart”. Goliath may have been champion of the Philistines but young David was champion both for God’s people and for God’s cause.
Thank God for young ‘Davids’ around today – men (and women) who are prepared to go and fight the giants of evil in the Name of the Lord. What they lack in experience they make up by their enthusiasm and you generally find them in the right place at the right time just as David found himself speaking to the king. While others ‘hum’ and ‘haw’ and hold their committees these are out getting the job done. They might disdain some of the conventional armour but their trust in the Lord is more than enough to fell the giant.
It is sad if you thought this kind had died out. Perhaps sadder still if you’re young and not one of them.


August 8, 2024
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