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“out of her poverty” [Mark 12:44(NIV)]

September 20, 2024

“out of her poverty”. You are never so poor that you have nothing to give to the Lord. This lady proves this to be true. It can be easy to say that if only we had more we would give more to God. The reality is that we’d probably be like the rich people who put large amounts in, but kept larger amounts for themselves. How we use the little we have now will determine how much the Lord gives us responsibility for later on.
Giving to the Lord is not about what you haven’t got, but about giving what you have. Christ was quick to point out that this lady gave more than all the others, because she gave all she had. You may have nothing more than yourself, but that’s enough for Jesus. Give him yourself afresh today and let him have everything besides.


September 20, 2024
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