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“Stop bringing meaningless offerings” [Isaiah 1:13 (NIV)]

February 2, 2024

“Stop bringing meaningless offerings”. It is not what you have in your hand but what is in your heart that counts when you come before the Lord: not what you have done, but what you are! We can do nothing to earn or merit our salvation. Why then do we bring worthless trinkets to the Lord when it is a humble and contrite heart that is required?
The only boasting we can have is in our Great High Priest who offered Himself to God. And He is the one who clothes us with the garments of salvation.
It is the empty outstretched hand that receives the gift of eternal life. Offer yourself a living sacrifice to God and let Him take and use you as He will – in this day and in His way to accomplish His plan to His glory. All we have is given by Him, so the meaningful thing we can do is to offer ourselves.


February 2, 2024
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