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“supposing to add affliction to my bonds” [Philippians 1:16]

October 24, 2024

“supposing to add affliction to my bonds”. The Apostle Paul was referring to those who sought to ridicule his faith and who made evil insinuations about the followers of the Lord. Their intentions back-fired for, as Paul says later, ‘every way … Christ is preached’.
Today there are those around who take delight in stirring up contention or in ridiculing the truth and if you are the object of such an attack, the Apostle’s words should be of great encouragement to you.
All things work together for good: without doubt this includes all occasions when the name of Christ is mentioned. If the way you live is making people talk about the Lord, be it sincerely or otherwise, you have cause for rejoicing. Yours is better than those lives which don’t seem to say anything.


October 24, 2024
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