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“He has done all things well” [Mark 7:37(RSV)]

October 25, 2024

“He has done all things well”. The miraculous healing of a deaf mute was the latest in a line of miracles Jesus performed. He healed and blessed people wherever He went. When He tried to escape the crowd He could not be hidden. All were talking about Him and listening intently to His parables and teaching.
“Astonished beyond measure” was the way Mark described the people in his Gospel. A summary of their verdict is that He has done all things well. The One who meets the deepest need and who satisfies the greatest yearnings still works in our midst today. By the Holy Spirit whom Jesus said the Father would send to take His place, men and women, boys and girls are made to consider Jesus and to all who look in faith for salvation the picture is clear – He has done all things well.


October 25, 2024
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