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“The bridegroom was a long time in coming” [Matthew 25:5(NIV)]
February 15
“The bridegroom was a long time in coming”. It is two thousand years since Jesus spoke these words in His Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. All these years God the Father is preparing a Bride – the church of Christ – for His Son. Few would have thought the advent of the bridegroom would be so long in coming. We cannot begin to imagine the splendour when the Holy City, the new Jerusalem descends from heaven prepared as a bride dressed for her husband.
Yet preparing His church, the bride of Christ is what God is doing. All the places at heaven’s banqueting table will be filled. Right down the years, those who have waited have looked for this glorious event. Now it is our turn to be doing so. Let us not lose concentration. We with all true lovers of the Lord Jesus will soon see their glorious Lord.