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“the preaching of the cross” [I Corinthians 1:18]

November 9, 2024

“the preaching of the cross”. Many noble lessons may be drawn from the life and death of Jesus. Lessons drawn must not take the place of the actual fact that Christ died for our sins. The sins of the world were laid upon Him and His death atones for the sin of all who believe. Not what the cross teaches us but what it is and does is the most important.
The preaching of the cross divides into two – those who accept and those who reject. It is not a subject for speculation and discussion, though many make it so and go no further. It is the very life-line pulling others to salvation.
No name other than Jesus who died on the cross. Only His blood can atone for our sin. Nothing we can add to improve the cross – the work of salvation was completed as Jesus cried “It is finished”.


November 9, 2024
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