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“Abishai said, ‘I will go down with you’ ” [I Samuel 26:6(RAV)]
January 27, 2024
“Abishai said, ‘I will go down with you’ “. Abishai stands out in this incident as a ready and willing volunteer to accompany David on a hazardous mission. Saul and his men, who were hunting David, lay sleeping in their camp in the wilderness. David asked who would go with him into this camp and Abishai immediately said he would go. He did not say that he knew another good man who could do the job; he said that he would go.
When they reached Saul, Abishai wanted David to take revenge and kill him. He had to learn that David would not destroy the Lord’s anointed as he slept. Like Abishai we need to be ready to respond positively to the Lord’s invitation as we go into this day and then to learn what is His will for us to do in every situation we find ourselves.