“David ran quickly towards the battle line to meet him” [I Samuel 17:48(NIV)]
September 22
“David ran quickly towards the battle line to meet him”. Some possible reasons why David ran to kill the giant, Goliath:
1. He wanted to get on with what God had given him to do.
2. He knew the sooner that job was done the sooner the Lord would be glorified and the enemies put to flight.
3. The forces of evil had prevailed long enough.
4. He did not want to lose his opportunity.
5. He set an example for all to follow.
David belonged to the company who got things done. He ascertained what God wanted him to do with his life, beginning when he was a shepherd boy and a lion and a bear attacked the flock. He assumed he was put there to defend the flock and gave God the glory when he succeeded. Take a leaf out of his book.