“I had nearly lost my foothold” [Psalm 73:2(NIV)]
January 23
<p><b>“I had nearly lost my foothold”. </b> The Psalmist tells us that he felt his feet slipping from under him when he considered the prosperity experienced by godless men. It seems that he listened to the evil suggestion that there was no point in following the Lord. This is his description of the wicked:
Prosperous: no struggles, disgustingly healthy, filled with pride, resorting to violence, they have more than their heart could desire. Summing up his observations in verse twelve he writes – ‘always carefree, they increase in wealth’. He wondered what advantage there was in being godly.
The great crisis he was in was only averted when he went into the house of the Lord. Falling away is a real danger when we neglect the fellowship of like-minded believers in a corporate act of worship.</p>