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“many … wept … and many shouted aloud for joy” [Ezra 3:12]
July 6, 2024
“many … wept … and many shouted aloud for joy”. So you could not distinguish between the crying and shouting for joy as those returned from exile completed the laying of the foundation. Life is often like that! The same event can conjure either feeling in the heart. The one weeps as he remembers the former glory and the days that have been lost, the other is taken up with the new prospect the same event opens for them.
Some of you may be enduring nights of weeping just now. Those tears may add to the beauty of the Lord who Himself was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
For some it is a time of exultant gladness – springtime in the heart, the singing of birds and a rejoicing at the goodness God has given you. Both shouts of joy and tears may ascend as melody to the Lord.