“Observe the commands of the Lord your God” [Deuteronomy 8:6(NIV)]
January 31
<p><b>“Observe the commands of the Lord your God”. </b> We consult a road map when taking a journey and pay attention to signposts erected en route. We read the instruction manual for a new piece of equipment. Why is it then that most people take little or no time to find out what God has instructed, never mind attempt to obey the same?
Somewhere there is a blockage; we are right to conclude something has gone wrong. The Maker’s instructions, which in our case must be the most important, are the most neglected. Yet the Bible says that His commands are not burdensome.
It was to rid man of the blockage caused by sin that Jesus came and those whom He sets free find observing God’s commandments a delight.</p>