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“Repent, and believe in the gospel” [Mark 1:15(RAV)]

March 7, 2024

“Repent, and believe in the gospel”. Have we emphasised the need to have faith and believe in Christ at the expense of neglecting the first step of repentance? Jesus tells us to repent and believe.
Believing without repenting may bring short-term blessing but it can make for disillusionment. All who would be saved need to turn away from their sinful way and look to the Lord. No-one can adequately believe until they look to Christ and you cannot look until you turn around.
Only faith built on repentance can produce a changed life and a new creation that will withstand the onslaught of the devil.
Repentance is preparing for a thorough renovation brought about by believing in Jesus, calling upon the Lord and having the assurance of salvation.


March 7, 2024
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