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“Have you entered the treasury of snow, or have you seen the treasury of hail …? ” [Job 38:22(RAV)]

January 24, 2024

“Have you entered the treasury of snow, or have you seen the treasury of hail …? The snowflake tells the glory of the Creator. The wonder in the design of every snowflake and in every hailstone points to the wonder of creation. Today’s question is, ‘Have you considered this?’ Or are you just wandering through life with no eye for the beauty around you?
Just as God’s Word takes on a new look when you know the Author, so should God’s world when you know the Creator.
The odd snowflake is lost: a fall of them can paralyse a city. Every flake bares the stamp of its Creator. Mother earth clad in her winter coat reminds us of the whiteness of the heart when cleansed from sin. Don’t bury your head in the newspaper of this world’s worries: look out of life’s carriage window as you journey through the day.


January 24, 2024
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