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“the woman made haste, and ran” [Judges 13:10]
December 15, 2023
“the woman made haste, and ran”. Manoah’s wife is among those who, when the Lord appeared or called, made haste. She ran to tell her husband because the news was so exciting and dramatic – she was to have a son who was to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines.
Zacchaeus made haste when Jesus said He was coming to his house.
Philip ran alongside the chariot in which the Eunuch rode when he realised this was the man to whom God had called him to proclaim the gospel. David hastened and ran toward the attacking Philistine giant when believing God would deliver him.
They ran to the tent to uncover Achan’s sin when they realised his theft was the cause of their defeat.
Now then, what running have you done for the Lord?