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“Come to me” [Matthew 11:28(RAV)]

April 21, 2024

“Come to me”. The wonder of the Gospel is not merely that we may come to the Lord, but that He invites us to do so. And the more wretched and unworthy a person feels, the more pressing is the invitation. Jesus came not to call righteous people: He came for sinners – the failures, the deprived and even the rebellious. He fully discharged His part when He died on the Cross (a vicarious death adequate to discharge the sin of the world) and rose to be a living Saviour and Lord. Now he calls. ‘Come’.
You must come just as you are. It is unlikely that those not aware of their need will make a move. But just as tax-collectors and sinners came in His earthly ministry, so men and women all over the world conscious of their need are coming to a living Lord Jesus today. Only when we join them will we find rest for our souls.


April 21, 2024
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