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“may I not wash in them, and be clean? ” [II Kings 5:12]

June 18, 2024

“may I not wash in them, and be clean? “. Naaman the leper wanted cleansing from his leprosy on his terms. The river of Jordan was not good enough for his pride – Abana and Pharpar rivers would be much better.
In a similar way the sinner looks to see if he can be cleansed any other way than by the blood of Jesus at the foot of the cross. The answer is that there is none. The blessed thing is that the fountain for sin and uncleanness is still flowing.
Faith can still rise from the human heart and reach out and take God’s gift of sin forgiven, peace with God, restoration of a broken relationship through Jesus.
The extent of the sin is not the hindrance: it is your obedience and acknowledgment that Christ came to save sinners and that you ask Him to save you that is needed.


June 18, 2024
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