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“Neither do I condemn you” [John 8:11(RAV)]

March 26, 2024

“Neither do I condemn you”. It is unfortunate that modern scholarship has removed the incident of the woman taken in adultery from some modern translations. However, many of us preached on it with great blessing before most of these versions were published.
The marvellous thing is that Jesus did not condemn the adulteress. She feared He would, her accusers hoped He would, but He didn’t. God so loved the world of sinners that in spite of their sin He gave His Only begotten Son. It was a great day for this woman to know Jesus did not condemn her because she had broken the 7th Commandment.
Jesus would have condemned her if she had not accepted His forgiveness. He once said ‘this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, but men loved darkness’. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.


March 26, 2024
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