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“our Lord Jesus Christ” [Galatians 1:3]

March 23, 2024

“our Lord Jesus Christ”. Three wonderful truths about our Lord Jesus Christ:
1. He gave Himself for our sins – unbelievably good news when you realise the way sin drags us down and that we
were of ourselves helpless to do anything about it.
2. That He might deliver us from this present evil world – what a glorious prospect for those vexed with what they see and
hear happening around us, as Lot was in his day.
3. It is God’s will that Jesus should save us and deliver us. In no way does the Son have to apologise for bringing home
sinners who have been wandering away. It is God’s will that all who repent and turn to Christ be admitted to the
kingdom of heaven.
In the light of this, we can join the Apostle and say, ‘To our Lord Jesus Christ be glory for ever and ever’.


March 23, 2024
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