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“Put this money to work” [Luke 19:13(NIV)]

January 19, 2024

“Put this money to work”. This was the instruction given to the servants by the nobleman who gave each of them a pound or mina. Jesus likened the situation in this parable to the kingdom of heaven. The mina speaks of something given to trade with.
All in the kingdom have been given something. So the question is, “Are you putting to work what the Lord has given you?” Is this an accurate description of what you are doing today? Each servant had a responsibility while the nobleman was away. And each member of the true church has a responsibility.
Jesus will return again and then there will be a day of reckoning. There will be those who do not put to work what they have been given. Head, hands, feet and heart can all be employed in the responsibility of discipleship.


January 19, 2024
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