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“Return home” [Luke 8:39 (NIV)]
June 13, 2024
“Return home”. In many cases home is the hardest mission field. Everybody knows you at home. So it is there that the change will be noticed. You cannot start your life afresh like going to a new environment. And it is your new life as a follower of Jesus that must begin at home.
It does not matter how useful you think you could be elsewhere. When Jesus sends you home as He did the demoniac whom He healed, it is home you must go. The graduation course in true discipleship is undertaken at home. When at home you can’t really pretend to be someone else. There they read you like a book.
And when Christ has come into your life that is what they need to do. Home, if you’ve not witnessed there, is the place to start – and there your life will speak most.