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“Ruth was determined to go” [Ruth 1:18(NIV)]

May 12, 2024

“Ruth was determined to go”. Some change must have taken place in Ruth’s heart when, or soon after, she married one of Naomi’s sons. It may have been the different way of life, for he was a refugee from Judah and she a Moabitess or it may have been the sincerity and devotion of her mother-in-law that won her over. Whatever it was, once she set her heart upon Jehovah, she determined to return with Naomi and no persuading would deter her.
Tenacity of purpose is needed. When that change called the new birth takes place, we can expect a God-given determination to be evident. Decide to follow Jesus, seek His aid, give yourself wholly to Him, obey His voice and find a strength and determination to press towards the prize that the high calling of God in Christ extends to you.


May 12, 2024
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