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“the Lamb shall overcome” [Revelation 17:14]

February 27, 2024

“the Lamb shall overcome”. John Baptist pointed to Jesus and cried ‘Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world’. The Jews found it difficult to accept Isaiah’s prophecy of a Suffering Messiah – they desired a triumphant king. At the conclusion of about three year’s ministry Jesus was led as a Lamb to be crucified. Pilate was puzzled that He and His followers offered no resistance. But what men mistook for weakness was tremendous strength. Upon Him was laid the sin of the world, and His great atoning sacrifice has been immortalised in heaven by His appearing as a ‘newly slain Lamb’.
But the final triumph of the Lamb is yet to come. The Devil is active, seeking to sabotage the blessing of Calvary. But in the final conflict the Devil and his angels will be destroyed: the Lamb shall overcome.


February 27, 2024
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