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“Then the disciples went away again unto their own home” [John 20:10]

April 1, 2024

“Then the disciples went away again unto their own home”. After finding the tomb empty, Peter and John went home.
It would be good if more of us went home and thought about what had happened instead of rushing frantically here and there – if we thought about our life and where it is going, what it is accomplishing.
Memory often functions best when at home and in familiar surroundings. The Holy Spirit speaks to the listening ear and directs the sensitive heart. Jesus said that when we want to talk to our heavenly Father we should go away in secret. Peter and John set us the pattern when they did just that.
Some things don’t add up straightaway, we need to go home and think about them. Sort out the jumble from what is useful.


April 1, 2024
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