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“a great multitude, which no man could number” [Revelation 7:9]

May 2, 2024

“a great multitude, which no man could number”. The multitude in heaven praising the Lord will be too great to number. ‘The Father’s house will be filled,’ is what Jesus said. I recall preaching on that text to a small congregation in a Greek village many years ago. After the service a lady came to me, expressing her gratitude in being shown this truth. She had judged heaven by the handful that had gathered in the little Evangelical church in her village. She imagined heaven would have many empty seats. Not a bit of it.
Jesus will see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied. By His righteousness, many will be justified. You and I just need to see we’re playing our part in getting those whom we meet to come to Christ. Jesus promised to make His disciples fishers of men. Fishers throw out a line or net to catch the fish.


May 2, 2024
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