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“I have compassion on the multitude” [Matthew 15:32]
May 3, 2024
“I have compassion on the multitude”. Jesus came not to judge the world but to save it, and as He mingled with men and women compassion for the multitudes was engendered in His heart.
Compassion is something the world needs more than sympathy. Sympathy is being sorry for: compassion is the same and doing something about it. To say you have compassion and yet to do nothing is false. The compassion of Jesus met both the physical and spiritual needs of man.
You cannot save the world but you can witness to the person next to you. See the millions in need and be constrained to help the brother or sister next to you. If all did that the life-line would reach across the world. Jesus had compassion. His disciples must exhibit the same if they would be like their Lord.