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“The Lord is my shepherd” [Psalm 23:1]

May 4, 2024

“The Lord is my shepherd”. Not the testimony of those who do not recognise themselves to be as sheep needing a shepherd. But to those who know themselves to be wandering and to all who find it impossible to return to the fold unaided, it is the blessed description of One Who says, ‘I am the Good Shepherd’.
Those who appreciate the moral and physical dangers lurking at every turn in life’s way, are more than grateful for the comfort this assurance gives.
But these words are an open invitation and have been taken as such all down the ages. If the Lord is shepherding others, he can do so for you.
Seeing others lost on the hillsides of life should deter you from trying to make it alone. No good thing is lacking when the Lord is your shepherd.


May 4, 2024
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