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” (He) would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple” [Mark 11:16]

April 13, 2024

” (He) would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple”. Jesus chose the occasion of His visiting the temple to protest against the desecration of the court by tradesmen. It was a day those who witnessed it would not forget.
Things are going on today that the Christian cannot condone. There are occasions when the misuse of God’s house needs to be pointed out, be it the body as temple of the Holy Spirit or the local church building as a place for meeting together with the Lord. The traders in question were obviously bringing commerce into the temple court because it was lucrative to do so. They put money before worship or should we say, they worshipped money.
But no use merely driving the traders out: you need to be found there making it a place of prayer.


April 13, 2024
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