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“they did not pursue it through faith, but as if it were based on works” [Romans 9:32(RSV)]

March 16, 2024

“they did not pursue it through faith, but as if it were based on works”. The subject is righteousness before God:- the Apostle Paul is describing the Israelites who sought to attain to that position by keeping the Law. There are those today who see keeping the law as the way to attain righteousness. Many of these will concede they feel little hope of achieving it. Others compare themselves with those around them and, assuming that some will pass the test, they consider their chances as good as, if not better, than average.
Both classes are blinded to the truth. God sent His Son as Saviour because man by his own effort cannot save himself. Seek the Lord: find in Him One who is ready and able to save you and then put your faith in Him. Know the righteousness which is of God by faith.


March 16, 2024
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