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“yet in my flesh shall I see God” [Job 19:26]

June 28, 2024

“yet in my flesh shall I see God”. Job was a firm believer in the resurrection. He knew that once he was in the grave, decay would set in and soon only bones be left. Yet he speaks of seeing God in his flesh. His hope was of a resurrection body in which he would see God – something mortal man cannot do. Many years later, the Apostle Paul, explaining the resurrection body said that mortality must put on immortality. This world is to see a resurrection of all who have died. Jesus said that all who are in the graves would hear the voice of the Son of God.
There must be a judgment to right the injustices of this life. Jesus said those who had done evil would know a resurrection of damnation. Job’s faith in God held firm in the midst of the greatest testing. His hope was resurrection to eternal life. All who love God share in it.


June 28, 2024
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